Pregnancy is both wonderful and full of weird symptoms.

9 Weird Pregnancy Symptoms & How to Alleviate Them (2023)

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and rewarding times in a woman’s life. The anticipation of expecting a new little love is unmatched.

With that said, pregnancy also comes with a whole host of new symptoms. Some of which, are really, really weird.

The Weirdness

We need to be better about discussing everything that comes with your new, growing body. I’m here to help navigate that conversation.

1. Heartburn

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is an annoying thing that happens during second or third trimester. It’s usually a result of hormone changes and your growing little bundle pushing against your organs. Ah, the joys.

What Works

I would never tell you about sucky symptoms, and not give you a solution.

This is what helps with pregnancy heartburn:

✔️ Apple Cider Vinegar

It’s a common misconception that heartburn is the result of too much stomach acid. Actually, the opposite it true. A great way to naturally remedy heartburn is apple cider vinegar.

I used Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, and it worked wonders for me. You can read more about all the glorious benefits of apple cider vinegar in this post: Apple Cider Vinegar in Pregnancy: What You Should Know.

Reminder: This is not medical advice. Always consult with a medical professional before taking medications, vitamins, supplements, or other remedies for pregnancy relief.

2. Runny Nose

During pregnancy you may experience a perpetual runny nose. This is called pregnancy rhinitis. When pregnant, our bodies produce extra mucus and make us feel congested. We can blame our unsteady hormones for this lovely symptom.

Maybe even more annoying than the runny nose itself is the post-nasal drip. The post-nasal drip can leave our throats feeling scratchy and irritated. Pregnancy truly is glamorous.

What Works

This is what helps with pregnancy rhinities:

✔️ Avoid Irritants

Things like synthetic fragrances, harsh cleaning products, cigarette smoke, dust and other allergens can exasperate your pregnancy rhinitis. Do your best to avoid coming in contact with things that can make the runny nose worse.

✔️ Use an Air Purifier

We can try our damnedest to keep our environment clean, but it’s not an easy task. Using an air purifier (especially one with a HEPA filter) can help eliminate pet dander, dust, odors, pollen, and more.

✔️ Sinus Formula from Pranarom

I like to keep my remedies as natural as possible. For that reason, I love Sinus Formula from the essential oil company, Pranarom. Just put a dab in each nostril, and you’ll be breathing better in no time.

3. Swelling

Okay, okay, swelling isn’t that weird of a pregnancy symptom. In fact, swelling is a fairly common pregnancy occurrence. Nonetheless, it doesn’t have to be a problem for you.

What Works

This is what helps with swelling during pregnancy:

✔️ Drink (a lot of) Water

When your body is dehydrated, it holds on to fluids. This water retention is one reason for swelling.

The current recommendation is to drink half of your current body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, if you weight 180lbs, you should be drinking 90 ounces of water daily.

✔️ Dry Brushing

If your lymphatic system isn’t properly draining, it can cause swelling in your limbs. Dry brushing is one of the best ways to stimulate your lymph system and get the blood flowing through your body.

I love the Primally Pure Dry Brush Duo. You can read more about my Pregnancy Must-Haves in this post.

✔️ Compression Socks

Swelling is best alleviated with a combination of movement and rest. Unfortunately, not all mamas-to-be have this luxury. If you are required to be on your feet for long periods of time or required to sit for long periods of time, you may experience more swelling. Compression socks can help.

4. Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a very weird symptom of pregnancy and came as a huge shocker to me. When your uterus puts pressure on the large vein (the inferior vena cava), there is restricted blood from your heart to your legs. Enter, varicose veins.

Itchy, uncomfy, and even painful, bulging blood vessels. You can even have varicose veins in your vulva. Yikes.

What Works

This is what helps with varicose veins:

✔️ Belly Band

Don’t let that bump just hang willy-nilly. Use a belly band. Because varicose veins are most likely the result of your growing belly restricting blood flow, it helps to give it a little lift, reducing pressure on the inferior vena cava.

I will admit, shopping for belly bands can be overwhelming. I, personally, have really enjoyed this one. It’s small, can be discrete, and easy to use!

✔️ Dry Brushing

Again, any time we are talking about blood flow, we should be turning to our trusty dry brush for help. Dry brushing helps increase circulation, which is exactly what those varicose veins are afraid of.

5. Mouth Sensitivity

Forget the bleeding heart, expecting mamas need to be cautious of bleeding gums. We can thank those ever-changing hormones leading to mouth sensitivity. Elevated progesterone levels and inflammation, sometimes called pregnancy gingivitis, cause our gums to bleed. Pregnancy is cute they said.

What Works

This is what helps with mouth sensitivity during pregnancy:

✔️ Frequent Flossing

I don’t want you to lie to me, the way you lie to your dental hygienist. (We all know flossing is not a once-a-day activity.) Except during pregnancy, it should be. Flossing your teeth can reduce access plaque, reduce inflammation, and strengthen gums.

6. Constipation

Yes, the dreaded poop talk is upon us. Constipation can happen any time throughout your pregnancy. It can be caused a multitude of things including lack of proper nutrition, dehydration, or even anxiety. So, what do we need to do?

What Works

This is what helps with pregnancy constipation:

✔️ Movement

Moving your body is a great way to alleviate (or prevent) pregnancy constipation. It stimulates your bowels and other vital bodily systems. Aim for at least 30 minutes of daily movement.

✔️ Drink (more) Water

Drinking water can help soften stool that is stuck in your bowels. Read Self-Care During Pregnancy to find 4 action items for drinking plenty of water.

✔️ Magnesium

Magnesium can be found in foods like greens, nuts, seeds, and beans. Remember the song: Beans, beans, the magical fruit…? You can also add magnesium to your intake with a high-quality supplement.

✔️ Beef Liver Capsules

Beef liver is ridiculously nutrient dense, and has benefits of boosting your metabolism, improving digestion, and more. I love Perfect Supplements for my beef liver (and constipation) needs.

Reminder: This is not medical advice. Always consult with a medical professional before taking medications, vitamins, supplements, or other remedies for pregnancy relief.

7. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are basically the sister to the dreaded varicose veins (above). While varicose veins are found in your feet, legs, and vulva, hemorrhoids are found in your anus. When constipation strikes, sometimes hemorrhoids accompany it.

What Works

This is what helps with pregnancy hemorrhoids:

✔️ Not Pushing

If you are experiencing constipation, do not push. Straining can lead to increased pressure on the veins in your rectum, and produce hemorrhoids (or make them worse).

✔️ Tucks Cooling Pads

Let’s just be blunt here: When you’re dealing with hemorrhoids, wiping is seriously painful. Yet, of course, you want to stay clean. The solution? Tuck Cooling Pads. These will provide immediate relief, and make your rear feel soothed and cleansed.

8. Itchiness

Your growing belly can get really itchy, really quickly. I mean, think about it. Come third trimester, that belly is growing very fast. Your skin is stretching at a rate it’s not used it.

What Works

This is what helps with an itchy pregnant belly:

✔️ Body Oil

Use your favorite moisturizer to mitigate itchiness. And my best advice: Start early. Your belly might not start to itch until third trimester, but you’re better off keeping the bump nice and lubricated well before that.

9. Leg Cramps

Of all the weird pregnancy symptoms, leg cramps are arguably the least desirable. Waking up at 2am to a wicked charley horse is not fun. Luckily, there are a few ways to help prevent and alleviate muscle cramps.

What Works

This is what helps with leg cramps:

✔️ Stretching

Take just 5 minutes in the morning and in the evening to stretch, particularly your calves. Your muscles are working overtime during these 10 months and need all the extra love they can get.

✔️ Apple Cider Vinegar

The benefits of apple cider vinegar just keep going, and keeping leg cramps at bay is no exception. We can thank the potassium in apple cider vinegar for it’s magical powers.

✔️ Magnesium

A magnesium deficiency can be one cause of leg cramps. As magnesium plays a large role in muscle contraction, it makes sense that we need to get our fill of it during pregnancy.

The Wrap Up: Alleviating Unusual Pregnancy Symptoms

I won’t beat around the bush, pregnancy can be simultaneously wonderful and horrible. 10 months of bonding with a baby before they even arrive Earth side is amazing. 10 months of experiencing tough, exhausting symptoms is less amazing.

Use the tools listed above to help alleviate some of those weird symptoms and make your pregnancy more enjoyable.

Pregnancy is both wonderful and full of weird symptoms.

Read next: Apple Cider Vinegar in Pregnancy: What You Should Know

For further tips and tricks, read Self-Care During Pregnancy: 13 Easy & Inexpensive Ideas